Please note that v1.1 of Toggle! installs differently from previous versions
The Toggle! applications need to be installed 'manually' to your EPOC device (see ** below for an explanation why). The procedure for this is as follows (using 'Link' as an example where appropriate):-
ò If you had v1.0 of 'Link' or 'Sound' installed, remove it first by using the Add/remove icon on your EPOC machine's Control panel.
ò Unzip the Toggle! application that you want to install (i.e. 'Link' or 'Sound') to your PC's hard disk and then copy the files - without conversion - onto your EPOC device using PsiWin/EPOC Connect (or unzip directly onto your EPOC machine if you have an appropriate EPOC zip program).
ò Double tap on the Systinfo.sis file to install Symbian's Systinfo OPX file automatically on your machine.
ò Make sure that the "Show 'System' folder" option is ticked in your System preferences (Ctrl+K).
ò If you have a previous version of Link (say) installed on your machine, delete the contents of c:\system\apps\Link\ (or d:\system\apps\Link\ if appropriate).
ò If you don't have a previous version of 'Link' installed, create the c:\system\apps\Link\ folder (or d:\system\apps\Link\ if you prefer and have a compact flash card installed on a Series 5/mx/7/etc.)
ò Move the following files into this new folder:-, Link.aif, Link.mbm, Link.On, Link.Off, Link.OnC, Link.OffC
ò The 'Link' icon should now be available for use on your Extras bar - repeat above procedure for the 'Sound' application.
"Incompatible opx version" during installation:
If you should get this error when you're installing Systinfo.sis then you've probably got a program already running that's using systinfo.opx (which is contained inside Systinfo.sis) when you try to install it (e.g. Macro5). Close down running programs before the installation.
** Why do the application need to be installed manually now? **
This has had to be done because a number of problems were found with the automatic SIS installation of v1.0 of the Toggle! applications. Specifically:-
ò The application icons on the Extras bar wouldn't change properly on the S7/netBook
ò Under certain conditions, the apps. wouldn't work at all if installed on the internal memory (c:\)
ò Colour icons of the S7/netBook wouldn't work at all
v1.1 of the applications now fixes all the above issues.
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